Age of tribes
Age of tribes

age of tribes

The Kadukuruba identify descent through the male line and have many clan or patri-sib groups. 77.3% of Jenukuruba tribes have consanguineous marriages, while only 22.83% of Kadukuruba do so. Second marriages are common among women who eloped the first time. 25% of ever married Jenukuruba women and 16% of ever married Kadukuruba women are married twice. Divorce is more common among the Kadukuruba. Separation is more common among the Jenukuruba. Consanguineous groups have a higher incidence of divorce, separation, and remarriage than nonconsanguineous groups. The custom that men and women must not eat cooked food at the house of their married sister or brother and other taboos reinforce the formation of families separate from Jenukuruba kin. 83% of the Kadukuruba and 97% of the Jenukuruba belong to nuclear families. There are more nuclear families among the Jenukuruba. Elopement marriages are common among the Jenukuruba, and arranged marriage is prevalent among the Kadukuruba. The tribes exhibit sociocultural differences. Marriage age is dependent upon the age at puberty. Findings indicate that both tribes have a low age at marriage for males and females, and both sanction divorce, separation, and remarriage with the consent of spouses.

age of tribes age of tribes

1133 ever married women are included in in-depth interviews. The sample includes 600 tribal households for each tribe. This study examines the differences in marriage, multiple marriage, and mate selection and factors influencing divorce, separation, and remarriage among the Jenukuruba and Kadukuruba tribes of Karnataka state, India.

Age of tribes