Phaser skill now apply its damage buff only to the victim of the skill.Grappling Hook now applies a flat damage bonus on next attack which scales properly with your tiers.Grappling Hook skill is now Tactics & Survival.

For example, a shield with "Poison the victim" affix will now poison enemies hit by a repeled grenade.
Fire Torrent weapon now inflicts Critical Hits on oiled targets.It's now possible to have 2 Death Orbs at the same time if you do have 2 distinct skills equipped.It's also now possible to have many random affixes like "Poison the victim" on it. Phaser skill now inflicts a fixed amount of damage which scales instead a fixed percentage that didn't scale.Death orb gets even slower when it deals damage to something.Death orb no longer explodes when blocked by a shield.The Punishment shield no longer deals twice damage on a parried target.Added a new mutation that gives you extra +30% HP.The fire turret DoT damage has been increased.The heavy turret damage has been doubled.The quick-fire turret is now a Dual Turret that shoots 2 arrows at different targets at the same time.Fire & poison AoE now apply to mobs more frequently (so for example, this means a little bit more damage if the target mob stays over a platform on fire, or in a poison cloud).For example, a trap with "+100% damage on bleeding target", will now make all your bleed-based attacks deal +100% damage on a trapped victim. Bear traps now properly apply their affixes to any trapped target.Rerolling shops is now more expensive and the number of rerolls has been reduced.Flame thrower turret no longer burns mobs protected by a global shield.The Hokuto bow buff now deals more damage.

Golem can't teleport anymore you if you are invisible.Heavy Turret is no longer a Survival skill.The Crusher skill is now Tactics/Survival instead of Tactics/Brutality.Its attack sequence is now also much faster. The Wrenching Whip now deals a critical strike on last hit, but this last hit is now a kick instead of a whip attack.Extreme (3rd) and Nightmare (4th) difficulties now feature higher quality items.The Slumbering Sanctuary has been updated: it now contains different mobs at higher difficulty levels.The Ossuary has been updated: the level is now slightly shorter.The Sepulchre level design has been updated: the level is now shorter and its content has been balanced (nice treasures).The Graveyard level design has been updated: the level is now almost two times shorter, teleporters locations are now more useful and less frequent and its content has been balanced (shops & treasures).Finally, worms have less HP now and their attack speed has been adjusted. The level is now almost two times smaller, the axe thrower mob has been removed, you will encounter less worms (but still a lot more than anywhere else) and its content has been updated (shops & treasures). The Fog Fjord level-design has been updated.The 3rd one is dropped in "Very hard" difficulty level and the last one in "Extreme" difficulty level. The 2nd one can be dropped from him in "Hard" difficulty level. All the Boss Cells now only drop from the final boss! You get the 1st one when killing him for the first time.You don't have any healing flask refill AT ALL in this mode. You get more cells but enemies are of course stronger. Added a 4th difficulty level (using the new 4th boss cell): "Nightmare".Added new weapons & active skills, just because we could.For example, with a Broad Sword, this means that you can use the first 2 attack sequences from this weapon, roll, then use the 3rd attack sequence (the heaviest attack). Dodging no longer cancels your weapon chained-attacks.It's not a huge difference, but the idea is to make sure that Survival builds have a little bit more HP than Tactics for example. Points invested in Survival give more HP than points in Brutality, and these ones give more HP than points in Tactics. The hero HP scaling has been balanced.Some of them can be dual-colored with Tactics or Survival. All grenades items are now Brutality items first.Be prepared for an epic battle! Note: "final" doesn't mean last fight boss planned in Dead Cells ) A new final boss is now waiting for you at the end of the game.The Castle is a whole new level for you to explore, and die into.